6:00pm San Francisco City Hall:
Oscar De La Torre and the Public Employee City Committee Negotiations Team finally reached Agreement with the City on a proposed MOU to commence July 1, 2009. Members have already begun showing up to the Union Hall for the Informational Meetings (schedule below) to pick up tentative agreements reached at the Departmental levels. Today, issues discussed with the Mayor's Office were city-wide and primarily Economic.
Highlights: following a lengthy discussion about projected budget shortfalls in the 100's of millions of dollars and getting worse over the next three years, and;
In addition to discussions surrounding the City's desire to gain concessions related to the 3.75% wage increase that went into effect 4/4/09, City Proposed for the duration of the two year agreement, 10 furlough days, minus 2 legal holidays for employees who work certain amounts of overtime, minus two Floating Holidays in 2009/10, new employee contribution to Retiree Healthcare, parking, etc.
Following even more discussions with the Mayor's Office, DHR reps Martin and Winnie, and Larry Stringer and Melissa Tucker as well as the exchanges of proposals, in addition to the Departmental Agreements, the Union has finally agreed to:
Keep the 3.75%
Extend the "Wellness Incentive" through 12/31/2009.
No Furlough days
No lost Holidays
No lost Floaters
Administrative Assistance/Education funding help, and
in Year 2011 (January) Employees will contribute 2.0% into their Retiree Healthcare Trust Fund.
Adrian, Theresa, Joan, Terry, Manny, Nikki, Edison, Larry, Alex, Jose all did an outstanding job. It should be noted that Winnie Anderson and Illeana Semanc were dedicated, professional, and understanding throughout this difficult process and in a "takeaway year" served the City well.
Now, let's ratify our new agreement and continue our Service to the City!
- Vince Courtney