Strong memories and fond attachments will not lead us out of this recession. While, the Parks are for everyone, the citizens of the City and County of San Francisco are the true owners. It is not logical to suggest that we must also extend the "tax cuts" to folks who have not asked for it. It is critical for us to generate revenue for Recreation and Parks. Let's move in unison, and do everything we can do to assist the Department at solving real revenue problems because it directly impacts us year after year. As stewards, we love our Parks and care about them too, but they are destinations that require investment, upkeep, and sometimes a modest fee to keep them running well, beautiful, and safe for everyone.The LiUNA!, Local 261 City Committee has consistently and overwhelmingly supported such revenue because the workers have been subjected to a slow bleed for the past several years as a result of our economic downturn. Because they respect our Union and the work we do, our coalition of Labor, Business, and Community leaders and Organizations is pulling for us. Mayor Edwin Lee has decided to make the fee for non-residents permanent, while the Board of Supervisors is considering a one-time payment. Spectacular showing by the workers on their days off, and personal time (lots of construction workers from Brother Oscar De La Torre's office,) and great support from all of our friends who support our efforts! (You can watch the tape
here, and Brother Courtney states our position at about 3:08:00.)