Monday, May 14, 2012
MAY 21st, 2:00pm City Hall 4th Floor - SUPPORT GARDENER APPRENTICES, JOBS FOR LOCALS. Attend Civil Service Commission Hearing, let them take Gardener Test.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
CCSF/LiUNA! 261 MOU Vote Members from all City Departments Say YES 277 (93%) NO 22 (7%) Contract Ratified!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Tentative Voting Arrangement.
Vince Courtney
CCSF/Laborers, Local 261 Package Proposal *Summary A (*items outstanding affect less than 1% of unit.)
(Summary B will be uploaded and include all details remaining)
City 2: Term (already a tentative agreement)
2 years: July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014
City 3: Wages
• Effective July 1, 2013. 1%
• Effective January 4, 2014. 1%
• Effective March 29, 2014. 1%
City 30: Medical
- Employee-Only – Effective 1/1/14
o "90%-90%" – The City shall pay 90% of the cost of the entire health insurance premium for Kaiser or Blue Shield, respectively, capped at the second highest cost plan (e.g., currently, Blue Shield).
o Phase-In for City Plan Enrollees-
• For calendar year 2014 only, for employees who elect City Plan (Employee- Only), the City will contribute 50% of the cost of the increase for employees in City Plan (Employee-Only) using the current FY2011-12 formula and the cost of City Plan (Employee- Only) using the formula described immediately above.
• For example: If on January 1, 2014, the employee share of the premium at Employee-Only is $700, the City will pay $350.00 to subsidize. As of January 1, 2015, employees will pay the entire difference between the cost of City Plan (Employee-Only) and 90% of the second highest cost plan (e.g., currently, Blue Shield).
o Wellness Committee with re-opener only by mutual agreement.
City 18: Dental
Beginning July 1, 2012, the bargaining unit agrees to pay $5 (individual) - $10 (employee +1) - $15 (employee + 2 or more) per month respectively towards dental premium costs.
City 33: Retirement- Clean up
III.M. Retirement
314. Effective July 1 2006, rRepresented employees agree to pay their own employee retirement contribution to SFERS in an amount equal to seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of covered gross salary. For employees who became members of SFERS prior to November 2, 1976 (Charter Section A8. 509 Miscellaneous Plan), the City shall pick up one-half percent (.5%) of the total eight percent (8%) employee retirement contribution to SFERS
Floating Holidays
• One-time award of two (2) floating holidays in 2012-13.
Additional Proposals
• City 4: build the 1% Public Outreach/Public Safety Cross Training Premium into the base rate.
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Union Members to VOTE this Thursday!
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
LiUNA!, Local 261 Negotiators released to SF City Hall today for bargaining..
Vince Courtney
LiUNA!, NCDCL/Local 261
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Saturday, May 5, 2012
All Negotiators are to be released for formal Mediation with City Monday 10am. Department of Human Resources - One South Van Ness Avenue.
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3rd Annual LCTF Cinco De Mayo Fundraiser |
Friday, May 4, 2012
Union & City to continue talks Today.
Vince Courtney
LiUNA!, NCDCL/Local 261
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Thursday, May 3, 2012
City & Union to meet at SFDHR - Today
Vince Courtney
LiUNA!, NCDCL/Local 261
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Re: Mediated Settlement - Local 21, Others - CITY & Union to Negotiations Table Thursday & Friday (10am,) with potential for talks through the weekend!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Contact: Mayor's Office of Communications, 415-554-6131
"We have reached an agreement with Local 38 and other City employee unions that balance the need for structural budget reforms while recognizing the vital City services our employees provide to residents. I thank members of the bargaining teams and the arbitrators for their efforts in reaching these tentative agreements."
No details will be released until the union members conclude ratification of the tentative agreement.
Other City employee unions include Municipal Executives Association (MEA) and Municipal Attorney's Association (MAA). Last week, Mayor Lee announced a mediated settlement reached in contract negotiations with the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), Local 21.