Resolution Honoring
The 2009 City Negotiations Team
Adrian Field, Theresa Foglio, Joan Vellutini, Nikki Mixon,
Terry McDevitt, Edison Fincher, Larry Montoya, Manny Bustos,
Alex Alvarez, and Jose De La Mora
For their Dedicated Service
Whereas, it is the objective of the Laborers International Union to promote a better understanding by government and the public of the aims and objects of this organization and the labor movement as a whole;
Whereas, It is the object of our Local Union to conduct its affairs in a manner in which would most tent to enhance, conserve, and protect the welfare and interest of the International Union, its affiliates, and members and to establish proper rules, regulations, policies and practices as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was chartered;
Whereas, the Laborer’s International Union, Local 261 commends individual members in the public sector who have chosen a career in public service and a vital and official role in their labor organization;
Whereas, the public employee members of the Laborer’s International Union Local 261 contribute to and play a vital role in our Union and community;
Whereas, as a result of the performance of their duties and responsibilities, City and County of San Francisco employees contribute to improving the quality of life for all Union employees and the City and County and our Union has benefited from the work performed by these public employee members.
Whereas, in being selected by their peers and appointed by the Business Manager pursuant to our Local Union Constitution Adrian Field, Theresa Foglio, Joan Vellutini, Terry McDevitt, Edison Fincher, Nikki Mixon, Larry Montoya, Alex Alvarez, Manny Bustos, and Jose De La Mora. carried out the Union’s vision and the Union recognizes and builds on their diversity, skills and dedication.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Executive Board of the Laborers Union of San Francisco, on behalf of all of its membership, take this opportunity to honor and pay tribute to:
2009 City Negotiations Team Members:
Adrian Field, Theresa Foglio, Joan Vellutini, Nikki Mixon,
Terry McDevitt, Edison Fincher, Larry Montoya, Manny Bustos, Alex Alvarez, and Jose De La Mora
for their dedication to the Local Union, its’ membership, and the City and County of San Francisco. Adopted this 22nd day of May 2009.
Oscar De La Torre, Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer
Ramon Hernandez, President
Jesus Villalobos, Vice-President
David De La Torre, Recording Secretary
Javier Flores, Vince Courtney, Jose De La Mora
Executive Board Members
Jesus Villalobos, Vice-President
David De La Torre, Recording Secretary
Javier Flores, Vince Courtney, Jose De La Mora
Executive Board Members
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