Tonite, Business Manager Ramon Hernandez and the Local 261 City Committee and Chief Stewards hosted a Holiday Bash that was enjoyed by all. Theresa Foglio and Nikki Mixon (along with other union officials,) worked several days prior to insure the Union's successful event for the members and their guests. Well over 100 rank and file members showed up to the "open house" and many won gift certificates at the raffle. Canned foods were contributed, twitter accounts were set up, and some registered to vote at check in. Great Brothers Larry Montoya & Bill Eagleton walked away with the grand prizes.
The Committee members were very delighted to be joined for holiday cheer by State Senator Leland Yee, Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, City Treasurer Jose Cisneros, City Assessor Phil Ting, SF Supervisors Bevan Dufty & Carmen Chu, and former SF Supervisor Jake McGoldrick, in addition to several other elected officials. Many collegues and friends from the City joined the Laborers' City Committee tonite including SF CAO Ed Lee, ERD Director Martin Gran, Director of DPW Ed Reisken, RPD GM Phil Ginsburg, Deputy Director Mohammed Nuru, Harlan Kelly, Jr., Steve Nakajima, Carla Welsh, Kevin Barry, Vitus Leung, Alex Lawrence, Hope Broadas, Illeana Samanc, Larry Stringer, Tammy Wong, Liz Lerma, Lori Regler, Cris Lui, and others.
The Public Employee Committee was also pleased to be joined by Port Commissioner Mike Hardeman, RPD Commissioners Larry Martin, Tom Harrison, Gloria Bonilla, David Lee, & Captain Al Casciato of our Retreiment Board.
Four candidates for Supervisor (District 8) had a chance to meet with Local 261 members including Rafael Mandelman, Rebecca Prozan, Laura Spanjian, and Scott Wiener. Other candidates for various offices included James Bryant (D10,) Debra "DW" Walker (D6,) Lynette Sweet (D10,) Tom Hsieh (DCCC,) & Mark Farrell (D2,) Michael Goldstein (College Trustee,) and, others.
Friends and Labor Leaders such as Tim Paulson & Connie Ford, John Hanley, Chris Cunnie, Larry Del Carlo, Marianne Bertuccelli, Ahsha Safai, Lisa Seitz-Gruel, Margaret MacArthur, Fred Naranjo, Tony Fazio, John Zervas, Victor Parra, Sam Robinson, Ignacio Castillo, Joseph Scott, Anthony Dimas, and our own Oscar De La Torre were there to enjoy the festivities.
Special Thanks to City Committee members Steven Elder, Wendy MacArthur, & John Raulli for working the entire event!
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