Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mayor's Press Press Conference with the SFLC PEC Coalition. Tentative Ratification date for Local 261 on complete version of MOU set for 4/15!
We will be ready to vote against the "part time" 37.5 hour work week at the Union Hall on April 15, 2010, unless negotiations with the City on all matters are not yet completed. Keep checking back for details.
Friday, March 26, 2010
SFLC PEC reaches agreement with City on two year deal which, if ratified puts an end to the 37.5/part-time layoff/rehire.
Union Officials learned today that a press conference will take place to announce a deal reached between Public Employee Labor Unions and the City on a plan which would effectively undo the layoffs and rehire scenario for the foreseeable future. Early indications are that the Unions have been successful at counter proposing that employees be required to take furlough days (mandatory time off or, MTO) at a rate of 12 per year for the next two years. It is possible that in the second year of the deal, employees will take less than twelve depending on the budget situation. Also, changes were agreed to related to "medically single" employees and the healthcare plan. "We are delighted with the fact that it appears that we are well on our way to scheduling a ratification vote for members of Laborers' 261. There is still lots of work for us to do but we're confident we can resolve all issues which remain. I applaud the efforts made by our negotiating team as well as our rank & file. It is apparent to me that the Labor Coalition was able to stay on point and remain focused to the very end, they were committed from the onset to get where we are today." - Vince Courtney, Business Representative Laborers' Local 261
Over the next couple of weeks, Local 261's negotiations team will dot the "i's" and cross the "t's" in our own agreement before asking the members to show up and vote for this very important change!
News from Local 21, City Insider Chronicle, KTVU Channel 2, ABC Channel 7, SF Examiner, KCBS
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Laborers' Union PEC Team talks Contracting Out, Seniority, Expedited Arbitration, etc at City Hall this am. Votes out of PEC talks re: messaging.
- Vince Courtney Laborers' Union Representative
(pictured: Mayor Newsom and L261 Business Manager Ramon Hernandez talk alternatives at the Laborers' Union Hall,) Keep checking in to be informed as we work towards "GETTING IT DONE!"
Friday, March 19, 2010
City Insider : Another reprieve for pink-slipped city workers
City Insider : Another reprieve for pink-slipped city workers
Lots to still do with little time to get it done. After knocking off after 10pm following our session at City Hall last nite, the Local 261 negotiators were back at the SFLC PEC table past five o'clock today as well. Special thanks to Adrian, Theresa, and Nikki for representing! At the PEC meeting today, the the Unions were joined by the Mayor's Chief of Staff, the Director of DHR, and the head of the Employee Relations Division. Bob Muscat (IFPTE 21,) Tim Paulson (SFLC,) and Larry Mazzola (UA-38,) chaired the long sessions as the parties discussed in detail many of the outstanding issues related to finance, revenue, and layoffs.
Local 261 PEC negotiators will meet with the City all next week to try to come up with a tentative agreement so that the membership can vote on it. We meet Monday with the PEC and CCSF in the afternoon, on Tuesday morning with the Building Trades/CCSF, on Wednesday with the City and PEC, and again on Thursday. It is our hope that we will have something for the membership to ratify by the end of the week that "lifts" the layoff/rehire part-time status scenario. We may call for a vote soon, so stay posted. Keep in mind that Departments still have cuts. Keep following on the Twitter for real time updates!
Lots to still do with little time to get it done. After knocking off after 10pm following our session at City Hall last nite, the Local 261 negotiators were back at the SFLC PEC table past five o'clock today as well. Special thanks to Adrian, Theresa, and Nikki for representing! At the PEC meeting today, the the Unions were joined by the Mayor's Chief of Staff, the Director of DHR, and the head of the Employee Relations Division. Bob Muscat (IFPTE 21,) Tim Paulson (SFLC,) and Larry Mazzola (UA-38,) chaired the long sessions as the parties discussed in detail many of the outstanding issues related to finance, revenue, and layoffs.
Local 261 PEC negotiators will meet with the City all next week to try to come up with a tentative agreement so that the membership can vote on it. We meet Monday with the PEC and CCSF in the afternoon, on Tuesday morning with the Building Trades/CCSF, on Wednesday with the City and PEC, and again on Thursday. It is our hope that we will have something for the membership to ratify by the end of the week that "lifts" the layoff/rehire part-time status scenario. We may call for a vote soon, so stay posted. Keep in mind that Departments still have cuts. Keep following on the Twitter for real time updates!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
City and Union inch closer to agreement on alternative to "Part Time" workforce. Scheduled to meet again Thursday in the am.

The LiUNA! Local 261 negotiations team met with City representatives, this evening at City Hall to go over the Union's proposals related to the current 37.5 hour work week proposal. Joined by the Mayor's Chief of Staff as well as the Director of the SF Department of Human Resources, team members are optimistic about the potential for an agreement on an alternative to the part-time plan currently underway. The parties agreed to meet again on Thursday morning. Team members will also be meeting again with the Labor coalition and the city representatives tomorrow afternoon because it is likely that such economic agreements/solutions will be reached City-wide, while unit specific details are worked our accordingly.
Monday, March 15, 2010
City Committee Negotiators Back to the Bargaining Table at City Hall this Thursday Night!
Today, following the Rally for Jobs at City Hall, we met with the San Francisco Labor Council Public Employee Coalition at IFPTE, Local 21. Mike Thieriault of the SF Building Trades, Tim Paulson of the SF Labor Council, Mayor Newsom's Chief of Staff, Steve Kawa, DHR Chief Micki Callahan, and ERD Director Martin Gran were just a few of those in attendance.
Many Public Sector Union representatives were present if not most. There were lengthy discussions related to the fiscal picture as well as talks surrounding topics such as staffing, accountability and efficiency. The parties will continue to talk and Local 261 will continue to be involved in all discussions. Meanwhile, our negotiations committee has committed to forward progress on alternatives to the 37.5/hr work week.
To all of you who showed up at City Hall today, it was an absolutely perfect effort. The message was heard and the Laborers' Union was certainly recognized by all.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Local 261 Negotiations Team, Ramon Hernandez, and Tim Paulson of the SF Labor Council meet to move forward!

On the same day Mayor Newsom officially declared his candidacy for Lieutenant Governor, the Union and the City met for over two hours to discuss the current "proposal" which has taken on a life of its own in recent weeks. LiUNA! Local 261 Business Manager Ramon Hernandez, and Executive Director of the SF Labor Council Tim Paulson also joined us. Throughout this process the Mayor's Office has consistently maintained that the layoff/rehire (37.5 hour "part time" work week,) was the current proposal and that he invited Labor to engage him in the "process" of coming up with alternatives to address the massive (522 million dollar budget shortfall.) By an overwhelming majority of membership vote, the MOU (which expired on June 30, 2011,) was opened so that the Union would have an opportunity to "counter" the 37.5 hour work week plan. All workers who weighed in had hoped for an alternative that would result in Mandatory Time Off (MTO or furlough days.)
Although an actual agreement is far from being reached, the Parties are very, very, close.
"At this point, it appears to me that the Mayor has kept his promise to listen to the Unions who truly desire to work together to come up with an alternative to the layoff/rehire scenario in order to avoid all of the unnecessary (and unintended,) consequences while honestly addressing the Budget reality. We are very, very close."
- Vince Courtney, Labor Rep. LiUNA! Local 261
On Thursday afternoon, Local 261 Representatives Adrian Field and Deshelia Mixon met with the Labor coalition as the group highlighted topics for discussion with the Mayor throughout this process. SFLC Executive Director Tim Paulson and a handful of Labor Representatives also met with the Mayor to move toward common ground the same day.
"The numbers appear to be real. As an alternative, the City is looking for valuable Labor Concessions (roughly 6.25% for the fiscal year.) While still painful, if we can deal with these issues on a year to year basis, whether that be a 1, 2, or three year deal it would be much better for the membership and City moving forward...nobody wants to be "part time."
- Adrian Field, LiUNA!, Local 261 PEC Chair
Because the Local 261 MOU is officially open, the Committee also addressed;
RFPs at RPD, OLSE appeals, "Bargaining Unit Work" the Supe II, Horticulture Apprenticeship, The Education Fund, Seniority, Retiree Health, Camp Mather, Lead Worker, Stimulus Workers, and Ballot initiatives and various revenue ideas.
The Parties meet again next Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
LiUNA! Local 261 Chief Stewards attend coalition meeting today. 261 Negotiations team at City Hall tomorrow.
Click here for information from DHR and FAQ on the letter/survey re: SFUSD
Additionally, DHR's Workforce Development has scheduled "I Received a Layoff Notice, What Happens Now?" workshops for interested employees to attend. The following are the current available locations/date/times:
LIBRARY - March 16 @ 4:30PM - Koret Auditorium
HALL OF JUSTICE - March 15 @10AM, 1PM or 3PM AND March 17 @ 8:30AM or
10:30AM - 350 Bryant 7th floor Auditorium
DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH - March 16 @ 8AM - Laguna Honda Hospital A300 AND
March 16 @ 2PM - San Francisco General Hospital Carr Auditorium AND
March 18 @ 8:30AM or 10:30AM - 101 Grove Room 300
DEPT OF TECHNOLOGY - March 16 @ 10AM - One SVN 2nd floor Atrium
NOTE - dates/times/locations may be added or changed, so please verify by checking the DHR layoff website at
LIBRARY - March 16 @ 4:30PM - Koret Auditorium
HALL OF JUSTICE - March 15 @10AM, 1PM or 3PM AND March 17 @ 8:30AM or
10:30AM - 350 Bryant 7th floor Auditorium
DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH - March 16 @ 8AM - Laguna Honda Hospital A300 AND
March 16 @ 2PM - San Francisco General Hospital Carr Auditorium AND
March 18 @ 8:30AM or 10:30AM - 101 Grove Room 300
DEPT OF TECHNOLOGY - March 16 @ 10AM - One SVN 2nd floor Atrium
NOTE - dates/times/locations may be added or changed, so please verify by checking the DHR layoff website at
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Thousands Of SF Heath Workers Get Pink Slips; Most To Be Rehired - News Story - KTVU San Francisco

With an agreement to the reopening, we continue to work very hard with the Department of Human Resources and the Administration to come up with alternative solutions to the current proposal. We will need all the help we can get! Next Monday at 11:30am, we rally at City Hall to help persuade the SF Board of Supervisors to defer development fees and fast track construction to jump start the local economy and put the Laborers and Building Trades back to work! We will be there because we know its all connected when it comes to needed revenue!
Also, today, the Mayor introduced a new financial tool with members of Local 261, non-profits, and the Business Community (visit and
Saturday, March 6, 2010
SF Arbor Day! (yeah, were still on the job,) and DPW Clean team celebrate 10 year anniversary event at Alemany Gardens.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Mar/Campos Pension Measure Moves Forward. Set up for future battles with Labor.

City Pension Vote Lays Groundwork for Labor Battles
Mr. Elsbernd has been fighting labor unions in recent months in the name of fiscal prudence. For that, he has won widespread support, from the former mayor, Willie Brown, and even from his onetime political nemesis, the public defender Jeff Adachi . But if Tuesday signaled that labor in this labor town remains hardly a pushover, then recent events suggest he could soon confront even stiffer opposition.
The Service Employees International Union Local 1021, which represents some 15,000 city workers, voted overwhelmingly over the weekend to elect new leadership. Sin Yee Poon, a human services agency worker who won the presidency, will enter office after three years of bitter infighting. Some members complained that the former president appointed by the international, Damita Davis-Howard, was transferring control of the union from local members to the top officials in Washington.
The union was hamstrung by disorganization during that period.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Members take BIG Step forward. Ramon Hernandez and Chief Stewards "open" Current Agreement in order to come up with alternatives to 37.5/hr work-week!
Monday, March 1, 2010
UPDATE: City continues to move forward while SF Labor Coalition looks for a continued unified front.
1) Will "rehire" be done on a seniority basis?
2) Will 37 1/2 hour workweek constitute a "part time" status?
3) If "part time", what contract language/CSC rules govern?
4) If "part time", what state labor code(s) governs?
5) What is duration of "new" scenario?
6) If duration is (infinity,) then, subject to collective bargaining?
7) For new hires, orientation & Union orient critical? (Union bust???)
8) Sick day, floaters, pension?
9) Health care - COBRA?
We will continue to stay in concert with the SF Labor Council Public Employee Committee in an effort to have maximum effect with these critical discussions.

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