Friday, March 26, 2010

SFLC PEC reaches agreement with City on two year deal which, if ratified puts an end to the 37.5/part-time layoff/rehire.

Union Officials learned today that a press conference will take place to announce a deal reached between Public Employee Labor Unions and the City on a plan which would effectively undo the layoffs and rehire scenario for the foreseeable future. Early indications are that the Unions have been successful at counter proposing that employees be required to take furlough days (mandatory time off or, MTO) at a rate of 12 per year for the next two years. It is possible that in the second year of the deal, employees will take less than twelve depending on the budget situation. Also, changes were agreed to related to "medically single" employees and the healthcare plan. "We are delighted with the fact that it appears that we are well on our way to scheduling a ratification vote for members of Laborers' 261. There is still lots of work for us to do but we're confident we can resolve all issues which remain. I applaud the efforts made by our negotiating team as well as our rank & file. It is apparent to me that the Labor Coalition was able to stay on point and remain focused to the very end, they were committed from the onset to get where we are today." - Vince Courtney, Business Representative Laborers' Local 261
Over the next couple of weeks, Local 261's negotiations team will dot the "i's" and cross the "t's" in our own agreement before asking the members to show up and vote for this very important change!
News from Local 21, City Insider Chronicle, KTVU Channel 2, ABC Channel 7, SF Examiner, KCBS

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