Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Congratulations to all the recipients of the Gardener of the Month Awards. Thank You to our Sponsors!
McLaren Lodge:
Union Members volunteered to assist at preparation for the second annual celebration and party at the Commission Meeting Room this after noon. Mayor Gavin Newsom and Oscar De La Torre started the tradition along with many of Union members which has grown into an event for all to look forward to. State Senator Leland Yee showed up to congratulate the recipients and spoke to the membership and guests at the event. Our Majority Whip of the California State Assembly, Fiona Ma had certificate presentations for all 12 gardeners! Ed Reiskin, Mke Farrah, Rafael Mandelman, Debra Walker, RPD Commissioner President Mark Buell and commissioners Tom Harrison, Gloria Bonilla, and our own Tom Harrison showed up to watch Ramon Hernandez and Phil Ginsburg present the honors to each member. Special thanks to Margaret McArthur and Theresa Foglio for all the extra help as well as the SF Parks Trust, the Neighborhood Parks Council, the Arboretum Society, Scoma's, and Local 261 for their contribution & sponsorship. Enjoy your Parks!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
SFRPD/SF Parks Commission/SF Botanical Society/Parks Trust/SF NPC/ and Scomas host Second Annual William Hammond Hall Celebration Tuesday 7/27 1-4pm.

Ray Goodenough, George Olivera, Jason Martinez, Bob Fiorello, Christopher Campbell, Hugh Mallaney, John Smith, York Martin, Virginia Aubry, Joe Chmielewski, Ben Martin, Nick Soumie
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Organize Or Die!
Media Advisory
July 21, 2010
WHAT: The newly formed Stand up for Working Families will hold a press conference after delivering a letter to City Attorney Dennis Herrera asking for an investigation as to whether the City’s Grand Jury process was misused and utilized as a political vehicle for Jeff Adachi and Craig Weber. A letter, sent by Mr. Herrera to San Francisco Superior Court addressing his concerns, will be distributed as well as the letter from Stand Up for Working Families to Mr. Herrera requesting an investigation into the appropriateness of Mr. Weber’s behavior, including the exclusion of a minority juror report and asking for details as to Mr. Weber’s conversations with Jeff Adachi’s initiative campaign. Mr. Weber served simultaneously as a committee chairperson of the Civil Grand Jury examining the City’s pension system and as Treasurer of a political committee to support a ballot initiative dealing with the same issue.
WHO: Stand up for Working Families; Firefighters; Police Officers; City Workers.
WHERE: Steps of City Hall (facing Polk St.)
WHEN: Thursday, July 22, 2010
TIME: 1:00 PM
CONTACT: Tom O’Conner (415) 717-5322
Bob Muscat (916) 761-5995
Stand Up for Working Families is a coalition of San Francisco Firefighters, Police Officers and other City workers and their families who are unified against threats to their family’s health care and retirement benefits.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Adachi's Smart Reform is Attack on Public Employees/Collective Bargaining!
more here
DPW Bids save M-F, Ciy Committee sets deadline for F-day Policy, Various
City Committee sets F-Day Policy deadline: At the June Committee meeting, the membership expressed displeasure at the apparent inability of the respective Departments to accept furlough day requests. The subject was discussed at length and after thorough debate it was agreed that the the City would have until midnight July 23, 2010 (the same day ast the Joint Labor Management Committee Meeting,) to finalize and articulate written policy for distribution. It is possible that we will have it sooner than that as well.
Adachi ATTACKS Workers: Stay tuned and join Facebook http://Facebook.com/Liuna261
to learn more about this bullshit effort against working men & women by our Public Defender headed to the Ballot this November.
New City and County Personal Service Contracts are found here