Wednesday, February 8, 2012

LiUNA!, Local 261 & City & County of San Francisco Kickoff Collective Bargaining for 2012.

Brothers & Sisters:
The First session of City negotiations took place this afternoon at LiUNA!, Local 261. In attendance for the Union were Theresa Foglio, Sean Healy, Adrian Rojo, Norflis McCullough, Alex Alvarez, Theresa O'Brien, Steve Elder, Anthony Travis, Bruce Ricci, & Zac Salem. The City team was administered by Ileana Samanc, and all Departments were present.

The Parties agreed conceptually on groundrules for bargaining sessions, as well as a proposal cutoff date of March 9, 2012. The entire bargaining team will be invited to a budget proposal discussion in the near future. The Union objected to the May 7th arbitration date. The City distributed an informational piece related to matters outside of the scope of bargaining (Civil Service carve-outs.)

For the next session (12pm, February 22, 2012,) with the City, the Union will have released the following team members:
Chair Nikki Mixon
Bruce Ricci, Steve Elder, Norflis McCullough, Anthony Travis, Keith Roberts, Dan Feerick, Larry Montoya, Jose De La Mora, & Alex Alvarez.

For the following session (10am, March 2, 2012,) with the City, the Union will have released the following team members:
Chair Nikki Mixon
Joan Vellutini, Zac Salem, Adrian Rojo, John Raulli, Norflis McCullough, Dan Feerick, Theresa O'Brien, Lavonda Williams, & Jose De La Mora.

And, on 3/15 (10am): Chair Nikki Mixon, Vellutini, Feerick, Fincher, Salem, & Sean Healy. (others to be added.)

It was also decided that the following dates in April would be reserved for discussions surrounding specific Departmental matters:
4/13 Recreation & Parks
4/18 SFPort, SFIA, MTA, & SFPUC
4/27 Department of Public Works
With few exceptions, the Union will request to have Department representatives released accordingly, each session starts at 10am, and will be held at Local 261.

: (415) 810-4500

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