Thank you for loving your parks,
Brother Vince

Whether you read a book on park bench, take your children to the playground, walk your dog in the park, listen to live music in Golden Gate Park or play a game of soccer on our fields, chances are you use our parks every week.
Now you can support your parks on Tuesday November 6th by voting YES on Prop B.
Proposition B, the 2012 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond on this November's ballot will help the City tackle over $1 billion in infrastructure needs throughout our vast park and playground network.
Proposition B improves existing facilities that are worn out from years of use; provides urgently needed seismic improvements that will make recreation facilities and playground equipment safer; constructs new waterfront parks; provides for shoreline restoration, replaces broken irrigation systems, and renovates failing playgrounds, and pools.
In keeping with City policy, this bond will be funded as existing bonds get paid off, resulting in NO increase to property tax rates.
Prop B is widely supported by Senator Dianne Feinstein, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, Senator Mark Leno, Mayor Ed Lee, the entire Board of Supervisors and School Board, the SF Democratic Party, the SF Labor Council, The League of Conservation Voters, the Trust for Public Land, The San Francisco Parks Alliance, The San Francisco Chronicle and the Bay Guardian.
You can view a full list of endorsers and a list of projects at
Prop B requires 2/3rd voter approval, so we can't take anything for granted. This will be an extremely close election, so it is critical that you vote and you encourage your friends and family to vote Yes on B. Don't just vote for President and turn in your ballot, vote for Prop B and the future of your neighborhood park!
There's still time to get involved to help Pass Prop B. Here's what you can do:
Send this email to your network. Tell them how important Prop B is to the future of our parks and to San Franciscans of all ages.
Email us at to get involved, or call 415.516.9043.
Thank you for your support!
P.S. If you are voting by mail, make sure to mail your ballot no later than Friday 11/2. If the Department of Elections receives your ballot after Election Day, it will not count. If you don't mail your ballot by Friday, walk it into any polling place.
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