You are invited to view John Raulli's photo gallery. Message from Vince Courtney: Three Years for the Jointly Administered Apprenticeship Program at SFRPD & SFDPW! If you are having problems viewing this email, copy and paste the following into your browser: To share your photos or receive notification when your friends share photos, get your own free Picasa Web Albums account. |
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Invitation to view John Raulli's Gallery
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
LiUNA! Local 261 Celebrates - 5th Annual, Honoring Sister Joan Vellutini
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
A Holiday Message to the Men & Women of Local 261 from RPD GM Phil Ginsburg
On behalf of the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department, thanks for all you do to support our City's beloved parks and recreation facilities. It's been a great year for parks. San Francisco voters overwhelmingly supported the Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond and the Trust for Public Land named San Francisco the number 1 urban park system in America. Our successes reflect the collective work of our dedicated staff, our elected officials, volunteers, community organizations and individuals who all see the value in having a world-class park system and who have played a role in supporting our efforts throughout the past year.
Local 261 has been instrumental in our successes this past year and we could not be more grateful for our valued partnership.
We invite you to view our report to the community for Fiscal Year 2011-12, which provides an overview of the great work our department has been doing during the past year. Read about what's happening in your parks, our recreation program highlights, and how we're working to keep your parks clean, safe and beautiful.
Wishing you every opportunity to get out and play this holiday season and throughout a happy and healthy 2013.
Phil Ginsburg
General Manager
San Francisco Recreation and Park Department | City & County of San Francisco
McLaren Lodge in Golden Gate Park | 501 Stanyan Street | San Francisco, CA | 94117
(415) 831-2701 |
Vince Courtney
Special Assistant to the Business Manager
LiUNA!, Northern California District Council of Laborers
4780 Chabot Drive, Suite 200
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Cellular: 415-810-4500
Telephone: 925-460-5990
Facsimile: 925-460-5996
Business Rep./Political Captain, LiUNA!, Local 261
3271 18th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Laborers' Local 261 City Committee: PARK MEASURE DESERVES SUPPORT - Yes on B!
Thank you for loving your parks,
In keeping with City policy, this bond will be funded as existing bonds get paid off, resulting in NO increase to property tax rates.
Send this email to your network. Tell them how important Prop B is to the future of our parks and to San Franciscans of all ages.
Email us at to get involved, or call 415.516.9043.
Thank you for your support!
P.S. If you are voting by mail, make sure to mail your ballot no later than Friday 11/2. If the Department of Elections receives your ballot after Election Day, it will not count. If you don’t mail your ballot by Friday, walk it into any polling place.
Thank you for loving your parks,
Brother Vince

Whether you read a book on park bench, take your children to the playground, walk your dog in the park, listen to live music in Golden Gate Park or play a game of soccer on our fields, chances are you use our parks every week.
Now you can support your parks on Tuesday November 6th by voting YES on Prop B.
Proposition B, the 2012 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond on this November's ballot will help the City tackle over $1 billion in infrastructure needs throughout our vast park and playground network.
Proposition B improves existing facilities that are worn out from years of use; provides urgently needed seismic improvements that will make recreation facilities and playground equipment safer; constructs new waterfront parks; provides for shoreline restoration, replaces broken irrigation systems, and renovates failing playgrounds, and pools.
In keeping with City policy, this bond will be funded as existing bonds get paid off, resulting in NO increase to property tax rates.
Prop B is widely supported by Senator Dianne Feinstein, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, Senator Mark Leno, Mayor Ed Lee, the entire Board of Supervisors and School Board, the SF Democratic Party, the SF Labor Council, The League of Conservation Voters, the Trust for Public Land, The San Francisco Parks Alliance, The San Francisco Chronicle and the Bay Guardian.
You can view a full list of endorsers and a list of projects at
Prop B requires 2/3rd voter approval, so we can't take anything for granted. This will be an extremely close election, so it is critical that you vote and you encourage your friends and family to vote Yes on B. Don't just vote for President and turn in your ballot, vote for Prop B and the future of your neighborhood park!
There's still time to get involved to help Pass Prop B. Here's what you can do:
Send this email to your network. Tell them how important Prop B is to the future of our parks and to San Franciscans of all ages.
Email us at to get involved, or call 415.516.9043.
Thank you for your support!
P.S. If you are voting by mail, make sure to mail your ballot no later than Friday 11/2. If the Department of Elections receives your ballot after Election Day, it will not count. If you don't mail your ballot by Friday, walk it into any polling place.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Proposition B, the Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond
October 20th at 2:30pm – 3271 18th Street
Please Join: The San Francisco Labor Council, The San Francisco Democratic Party, The Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club, Tim Paulson, Mike Theriault, Ramon Hernandez, Conny Ford and many other local labor leaders, along with men and women from the following:
The San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council, IFPTE Local 21, United Educators of San Francisco, Operating Engineers, SEIU-UHW, the Municipal Employees Association, San Francisco Fire Fighters Local 798, and San Francisco Police Officers Association, LiUNA! Laborers' Local 261.
Special Guests: Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, Board of Supervisors President David Chiu, Supervisors Scott Wiener, Eric Mar, John Avalos, and Mark Farrell, and Assessor Phil Ting. (partial list)
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Laborers' Local 261 - City Committee Tuesday, September 25, 2012 (3:00pm)
Friday, August 24, 2012
RPD - Bid Information
Vince Courtney
Special Assistant to the Business Manager
LiUNA!, Northern California District Council of Laborers
Business Rep./Political Captain, LiUNA!, Local 261
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
LiUNA! City Committee Executes New MOU (2012-14)
Vince Courtney
Thursday, June 7, 2012
(MOU Update) Scheduling at the SFRPD: Bid Committee Meetings
Excerpt from message sent from Dennis Kern to all 3422s;
"As you know, our recently negotiated L261 collective bargaining agreement includes language regarding work schedule changes based on operational needs. We view this as an important tool that will allow us to fine-tune park maintenance operations. We do not envision any large scale change in current work schedules because the vast majority of our park maintenance will continue to occur Mondays through Fridays; however, there are some adjustments that may be required to proactively respond to how the public uses their parks. Important factors include:
· Preserve core schedules and devise a subset of alternative schedules driven by operational need
· Maintain proper supervision and daily line-up accountability
· Develop schedules by service area
· Account for seasonal / daylight savings time adjustments
All of this is a work in progress, and we will share information as it is compiled because it is important to the work that we all do together.
Separate from the CBA language – but as an outcome of the CBA negotiations – the Department will work jointly with L261 on transitioning our current annual 3417 Bid process for vacant positions to a two-year 3417 Bid process. This will require mutually developed and agreed upon Bid Rules and, once implemented, it will also serve as an important tool in establishing work schedules that meet operational needs and accommodating gardener preferences for a range of work schedules based on seniority. This, too, will be a work in progress which will be undertaken by a jointly-formed Bid Committee (RPD and L261). "
Please go to, register an account, and "follow" this blog at the column to the right for all important updates!
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Monday, May 14, 2012
MAY 21st, 2:00pm City Hall 4th Floor - SUPPORT GARDENER APPRENTICES, JOBS FOR LOCALS. Attend Civil Service Commission Hearing, let them take Gardener Test.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
CCSF/LiUNA! 261 MOU Vote Members from all City Departments Say YES 277 (93%) NO 22 (7%) Contract Ratified!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Tentative Voting Arrangement.
Vince Courtney
CCSF/Laborers, Local 261 Package Proposal *Summary A (*items outstanding affect less than 1% of unit.)
(Summary B will be uploaded and include all details remaining)
City 2: Term (already a tentative agreement)
2 years: July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014
City 3: Wages
• Effective July 1, 2013. 1%
• Effective January 4, 2014. 1%
• Effective March 29, 2014. 1%
City 30: Medical
- Employee-Only – Effective 1/1/14
o "90%-90%" – The City shall pay 90% of the cost of the entire health insurance premium for Kaiser or Blue Shield, respectively, capped at the second highest cost plan (e.g., currently, Blue Shield).
o Phase-In for City Plan Enrollees-
• For calendar year 2014 only, for employees who elect City Plan (Employee- Only), the City will contribute 50% of the cost of the increase for employees in City Plan (Employee-Only) using the current FY2011-12 formula and the cost of City Plan (Employee- Only) using the formula described immediately above.
• For example: If on January 1, 2014, the employee share of the premium at Employee-Only is $700, the City will pay $350.00 to subsidize. As of January 1, 2015, employees will pay the entire difference between the cost of City Plan (Employee-Only) and 90% of the second highest cost plan (e.g., currently, Blue Shield).
o Wellness Committee with re-opener only by mutual agreement.
City 18: Dental
Beginning July 1, 2012, the bargaining unit agrees to pay $5 (individual) - $10 (employee +1) - $15 (employee + 2 or more) per month respectively towards dental premium costs.
City 33: Retirement- Clean up
III.M. Retirement
314. Effective July 1 2006, rRepresented employees agree to pay their own employee retirement contribution to SFERS in an amount equal to seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of covered gross salary. For employees who became members of SFERS prior to November 2, 1976 (Charter Section A8. 509 Miscellaneous Plan), the City shall pick up one-half percent (.5%) of the total eight percent (8%) employee retirement contribution to SFERS
Floating Holidays
• One-time award of two (2) floating holidays in 2012-13.
Additional Proposals
• City 4: build the 1% Public Outreach/Public Safety Cross Training Premium into the base rate.
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Union Members to VOTE this Thursday!
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
LiUNA!, Local 261 Negotiators released to SF City Hall today for bargaining..
Vince Courtney
LiUNA!, NCDCL/Local 261
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Saturday, May 5, 2012
All Negotiators are to be released for formal Mediation with City Monday 10am. Department of Human Resources - One South Van Ness Avenue.
![]() |
3rd Annual LCTF Cinco De Mayo Fundraiser |
Friday, May 4, 2012
Union & City to continue talks Today.
Vince Courtney
LiUNA!, NCDCL/Local 261
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Thursday, May 3, 2012
City & Union to meet at SFDHR - Today
Vince Courtney
LiUNA!, NCDCL/Local 261
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Re: Mediated Settlement - Local 21, Others - CITY & Union to Negotiations Table Thursday & Friday (10am,) with potential for talks through the weekend!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Contact: Mayor's Office of Communications, 415-554-6131
"We have reached an agreement with Local 38 and other City employee unions that balance the need for structural budget reforms while recognizing the vital City services our employees provide to residents. I thank members of the bargaining teams and the arbitrators for their efforts in reaching these tentative agreements."
No details will be released until the union members conclude ratification of the tentative agreement.
Other City employee unions include Municipal Executives Association (MEA) and Municipal Attorney's Association (MAA). Last week, Mayor Lee announced a mediated settlement reached in contract negotiations with the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), Local 21.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Rec. & Park Team along with Chair Nikki Mixon, engage SFRPD in All Day Session.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
City Committee Update
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
City Committee meets 12:00 Wed. at 261: Status of City Proposals/ Next Session at RPD Thursday 9:00am.
#1 – Grievance procedure
#2 – Term – 2 years – TA by Union
#3 – Wages – last counter 6 furloughs with smoothing
#4 – Public Outreach/Public safety crosstraining – Strike (1%)
#5 – Regular Work Schedules – Strike current work schedule language
#6 – Travel Pay – Strike
#7 – Recognition – Clean Up- counter keeps still used classifications
#8 – District Captain Pay – Rec & Park change title to park section captain and affirms authority to appoint and determine the schedule based on operational needs
#9 – Camp Mather – Periods to be based on operational need
#10 – Guidelines for Volunteers and Alt. Worker Programs – Be able to use power tools
#11 – Shop Stewards – limiting number of stewards; removal of liaison language
#12 – Standby Pay – strike (25%) and strike pager
#13 – Lead Pay – add "in writing" and when directing (4 others in same classification)
#14 – RPD – Bid every 3 years
#15 – Probationary Period – remove Union from mutual agreement, make mutual between employee and City
#16 – Non – discrimination – TA by Union
#17 – Pilot Wellness Incentive Program – TA by Union
#18 – Dental Coverage – add premiums of $5, $10, $15
#19 – Overtime Compensation - (I don't have a copy of proposal) Only hours worked and legal holidays counted toward hours accrued for the purposes of overtime:
#20 - PSC's and Constr./Maintenance Contracts - (change language to "except where noted in CBA's - TA by Union
#21 - Bargaining Unit Work - Strike
#22 - PEC Clean up - TA by Union
#23 - Seniority Increments - Employees hired on or after July 1, 2012, shall advance to the 2nd step and to each successive step upon completion of the 1 year required service.
#24 - Education Fund - the City agrees to allocate $5,000 annually; $250 per year per employee; Strike - rollover of unused per year.
#25 - Muni Incentive Programs - Strike III.U.
#26 - Parking - Strike, no free parking
#27 - Night Shift Differential - (I don't have a copy of proposal)
#28 - Work Schedules at RPD for gardener - (I don't have a copy of proposal)
#29 - Vacation Scheduling - RPD - (I don't have a copy of proposal) - limits to duration and timing
#30 - Health Insurance - fixed $ amount paid by City for Health Insurance
#31 - Substance Abuse Prevention Policy - TA by Union to revised City Proposal
#32 - Government Liaison - eliminate city paid liaison
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wednesday, City Committee Update @L261 12 noon - Thursday, 9:00am all RPD Representatives and Chair Nikki Mixon to report to McLaren Lodge.
Current Status - Union Proposals
#1 – Camp Mather – Appedix A – "Opportunities to work at Camp Mather will be based on Merit, Chief Shop Stewards will jointly administer sign ups…"
#2 - Reorganization – Withdrawn
#3 – Guidelines for Supervisor Workloads – II.O.- "In no event will supervisory employees covered by this agreement be required to perform functions of a higher class in another bargaining unit without being provided assignment in writing. Upon Union request, Dept. agrees to m&c over proposed assignment if not voluntarily accepted."
#4 – Work Schedules – III.C.1- omit "any such agreement shall be submitted to the Mayor's Budget Office for its approval or rejection."
#5 – Time off for Voting – III.H- travel time shall be granted (labor organization matters)
#6 – Recognition – 3418,3464,0922
#7 – JLMC – TA to City Counter (pending RPD – April 26)
#8 – Grievance Procedure – furnish designee for grievances; no response-grievance moves to next step; Expedited Arbitration (designated schedule)
#9 – Agency Shop – add LCTF & Alliance
#10 – Shop Stewards – list of stewards; minimize release time; notification of orientations
#11 – Bulletin Boards – Withdrawn
#12 – Cope Contributions – TA by City
#13 – Seniority – Dept. will provide a written statement of how seniority was in fact considered in making of assignments, which result in an increase of pay
#14 – Subcontracting – line 24 & 25 withdrawn – TA by City to notify Local 261
#15 – Bargaining Unit Work – Withdrawn
#16 – Request for reassignment – In Dept. with no shift/assignment bid
#17 – Temp. Assignments – offered in seniority order then reverse seniority
#18 – Workforce Reduction – performing functions of higher classification without $ is prohibited; Written information for internal compensation adjustments
#19 – Minimum Notice for Displacements – Withdrawn
#20 – Utilization of Prop F and Temp. Exempt Employees – presence will no effect the normal chain of command or responsibilities
#21 – Guidelines for Supervisor Workloads – in supervisory classification to perform the managerial or admin. Function of a higher class, agree to expedited the matter at next scheduled arbitration hearing
#22 – Wages – 2012/13=5%, 2013/14=4.5%; 3417,7514 completing apprenticeship to enter at step 5
#23 – Current work Schedules – delete employees hired on or after July 1, 2009; inclement weather (24 hour notice); 0 furloughs
#24 – Additional Compensation – except for premiums which apply to the entire unit; highest premium shall apply
#25 – Extended Tour of Duty Pay – 50% after the (8th) hour; Camp Mather ($5.00) per day above compensation for the day
#26 – Container Cranes Premium – to include all Bargaining Unit members
#27 – Lead Worker Pay – (5%); when working with volunteers and assigned lead, or when working with "alternate workers' and assigned as lead
#28 – Standby Pay – delete "standby pay shall not be allowed in classes whose duties are primarily admin. In nature.
#29 – Acting Assignment Pay – will not be available unless and until, the completion of any supplemental bid for reassignment occurs.
#30 – Supervisory Differential Adjustment – premium shall appear on the employee's payroll check stub as a separate line item
#31 – Pneumatic Tool Premium – ($1.35) per hour also adding in title (chainsaw, blasting, lead abatement)
#32 – District Captain – all employees assigned to evaluate, train, administer, work with CCSF, or manage in connection with jointly admin. Apprenticeship programs (10%) per day.
#33 – Public Outreach/public Safety cross training premium – (2%)
#34 – 7501/3410 – adjusting 3410 pay increases; $4,250 per each 7501 & 3410; $75,00 for each year ombudsman; training will be at Camp Mather; 7281 for each Dept. with apprenticeship agreement, consistent with past practices
#35 – Holidays – Lunar New Year
#36 – Floating Holidays – (10)
#37 – 7501 7 (3410) – next salary step upon completion of 12 weeks of continuous service
#38 – Retirement Restoration – employees who retire prior to the termination of this agreement
#39 – Paid Sick Leave Ordinance – with the exception of temporary employees
#40 – MTA – all bargaining unit members who reside in the City shall be entitled to a fast pass monthly
#41 – Education Fund – Dept. with State Certified Apprenticeship $3,000 to LCTF annually
#42 – Professional Organization Fees – include: Local 261 City Committee, Alliance, APRI, Parks Alliance, SF Beautiful and similar
#43 – Retiree Health Care Trust Fund – TA by City
#44 – Work Clothing – any Dept. is providing maintenance employees with clothing "for work" or inclement weather, the Dept. shall provide the same to L261
#45 – Night shift Premium – change "regularly" to "having been"
Overtime Wheels – to be made available to shop stewards
Staffing Level – using class 7501 or 7501A shall maintain (2004) level of 7514,3417,7502
Alt. Work Programs – members will be appointed lead and assigned to direct the work of volunteer and or alt. work program participants
Layoffs – TA by City
DPW – Bids commence each year on second week of Jan.; meet and confer over bids for not more than 30 days; in no event will the bid commence after March 31st any year
Recognition Awards – Montoya recognition/Gardener/ Laborer Apprenticeship
Sup. IIs shall bid
Current Sewer Worker Premium shall continue
PUC – Gang Truck Laborers by virtue of assign. Shall be entitled to the Sewer worker premium
Rec & Park – Annual bid to be conducted in the same manner as DPW
Post bid trade proposal includes acceptance of two 3417s and the 3422s in respective area, trade shall be honored within 10 working days
Recognition Awards – William Hammond Hall/ Gardener Apprenticeship
Vince Courtney
LiUNA!, NCDCL/Local 261
cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Friday, April 13, 2012
City & Union Meet to Today on Matters Concerning SFPUC, SFMTA, SFIA, & The SF Port. City-wide proposal updates also to come.
A proposed additional bargaining schedule is on the table, while the City has authorized an informational meeting with the SFRPD 3422 class this Tuesday 12:00pm at the Randall Museum.
Updates: cellular/text: (415) 810-4500
Friday, March 30, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Release for SFRPD Bargaining Team Members - March 30, 2012 10am at Local 261 AND Friday April 13th 9am at Local 261.
Chair Nikki Mixon
Keith Roberts, Joan Vellutini, Zac Salem, Adrian Rojo, John Raulli, Theresa O'Brien, Steve Elder, Bruce Ricci, & Zac Salem.
We will organize and follow-up/supplement important information requests while moving through RPD specific contract proposals from both the City & Union.
"Follow" this site with your twitter account. Http://
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Release for Bargaining Team Members - March 23, 2012 10am at Local 261
Thursday, March 15, 2012
City Committee Ponders detailed Healthcare Proposal, Submits 3rd Information Request.

Friday, March 9, 2012
City and Union narrow down subject matter for Collective Bargaining.

Thursday, March 8, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Union Negotiators Released, Sessions Moving Forward.
Remember that the following dates in April are reserved for discussions surrounding specific Departmental matters:
Recreation & Parks - release for the following:
Joan Vellutini, Zac Salem, John Raulli, Steve Elder, Theresa O'Brien, Bruce Ricci, Zac Salem, Adrian Rojo, James McCormick, Keith Roberts, & Chair Nikki Mixon.
SFPort, SFIA, MTA, & SFPUC - release for the following:
Anthony Travis, Jose De La Mora, Alex Alvarez, Tyrone Burney, Dave Gibbs, Ed Kitchen, John Ford, Franklin Lee, & Chair Nikki Mixon.
Department of Public Works - release for the following:
Jon Beazor, Lavonda Williams, Dan Feerick, Edison Fincher, Steve Elder, John Raulli, Sean Healy, Norflis McCullough, & Chair Nikki Mixon.
With few exceptions, the Union will request to have Department representatives released accordingly, each session starts at 10am, and will be held at Local 261.
Union Proposes Items 1-5, City Submits Second Set of Contract Proposals.
UNION PROPOSAL #1. (March 2, 2012) - Tabled per Union
omit "There shall be sign-up sheets to Work at Camp Mather"
replace with "Opportunities to work at Camp Mather will be based on Merit, Chief Shop Stewards will jointly administer sign ups with management for all bargaining unit members"
UNION PROPOSAL #2. (March 2, 2012) - Rejected by City 3/2
Union proposes to insert between paragraphs 133 & 134 the following:
"For employees displaced or negatively impacted as a result of a managed less than intended purpose (Candlestick Park,) or resulting from land transfers, leases, or legislated changes of use (Sharp's Park,) those employees shall be given opportunity to "Bid in" based on seniority during the administration of a supplemental bid, in order to accommodate such events. In the event an employee finds a mutual trade by class, it shall be granted until the next bid.
UNION PROPOSAL #3. (March 2, 2012) - Rejected by City 3/2
Union proposes to insert at the end of paragraph 138 the following:
In no event will supervisory employees covered by this agreement be required to perform functions of a higher class in another bargaining unit without being provided the assignment in writing. Upon Union request, each Department agrees to meet to confer over proposed assignment if not voluntarily accepted.
UNION PROPOSAL #4. (March 2, 2012) - Tabled by City 3/2
omit "Any such agreement shall be submitted to the Mayor's Budget Office for its approval or rejection."
UNION PROPOSAL #5. (March 2, 2012) - Rejected by City 3/2
Add: "For employees who opt. to use meal period to vote in labor organization matters, travel time shall be granted, with prior notice dispatched to each Department Head or designee notifying of the type of election (SFERS, SFHSS, UNIT,) and the location.
- Union can neither except, reject, nor can it comfortably counter unless and until the following information is made available for the bargaining committee:
CITY PROPOSAL #5 (February 22, 2012)
III.C WORK SCHEDULES - Union can neither except, reject, nor can it comfortably counter unless and until the following information is made available for the bargaining committee: In order to engage the City in its own proposal #5, Union hereby requests current work schedules at the following City Departments for the following classifications:
All work schedules broken down by assigned Supervisor/Area
(for example)
0922 (all schedules and special agreements)
3422 (all subordinate Park Section Supervisors & Special Agreements)
3417 (all bid schedules and special agreements)
All work schedules broken down by assigned Supervisor/Area (CDD, Sunol, HH, Milbrae)
(for example)
UA Bargaining Unit members in all classes (all schedules and special agreements)
LiUNA! Bargaining Unit members in all classes (all bid schedules and special agreements)
All work schedules broken down by assigned Supervisor/Area
For every employee in every classification that reports to the Cesar Chavez location.
CITY PROPOSAL #6 (February 22, 2012)
II.D. TRAVEL PAY - Union can neither except, reject, nor can it comfortably counter unless and until the following information is made available for the bargaining committee. In order to engage the City in its own proposal #6, Union hereby requests current work schedules at the following City Departments for the following classifications:
Union hereby requests all TRAVEL PAY provisions of each and every employment agreement with the City, and the total amount paid out in the last three fiscal year resulting from the application of each (by bargaining unit.)
CITY PROPOSAL #7 (February 22, 2012)
I.A RECOGNITION - Union can neither except, reject, nor can it comfortably counter unless and until the following information is made available for the bargaining committee:
In order to engage the City in its own proposal #7, Union hereby requests Job Descriptions and a listing of employees in each Department in the below classifications, as well as any vacant budgeted positions.
3432 Asst. Director Arboretum
3435 Urban Forestry Inspector
7458 Switch Repair
7540 Track Maintenance